To support our research activity, IMaR has a number of positions under IT Tralee’s 2014 Postgraduate Scholarship Programme which is due to commence in September 2014. Graduates holding a relevant Level 8 Honours Degree (H2:2 or Higher) are invited to submit an application. Successful applicants will be awarded a bursary of €12,000 (€6,000 per annum), and the Institute will cover all student fees, for a maximum period of two years.
The research projects in which the IMaR center is involved are :
- Applications of Automated Identifications Systems to the Productive Ward
- A MultiAgent Framework for the Internet of Things
- Measuring Social Engagement within a Triple- Helix Cluster consisting of the Academic Institute, the Research Centre and the Public Authority using Sociometers
- Automated Telemetric Food Safety System Targeting Transport & Distribution
- Automonous Mobile Assistive Technologies for the Agricultural Sector
Postgraduate students are expected to complete their studies full-time at the Institute. The closing date for receipt of applications is
15th August 2014. Shortlisted applicants will be required to attend for interview during week commencing 1st September, 2014. Applicants who are eligible to apply for grants through Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) should note that the deadline for application is 1st August, 2014.
If you are interested please complete and return the
Scholarship Application Form
If you have any further queries contact the External Services Manager at 066 7191846 or email