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SalesSense are an Irish owned company in the Sales and Customer Service sector. As an organisation they put an emphasis on the training of team members to yield extraordinary results, by using cutting edge technology, innovative business modelling and talented people.

SalesSense engaged with ACE through a partnership funded by the DETE and administered by Enterprise Ireland. As an initial project ACE created a Virtual Tour of the infrastructure and facility for onboarding of new employees.

ACE also worked with the training and development department to deliver training content, by creating an immersive VR training experience to support the skills required in field sales. Here the trainee can interact with the content rather than just viewing.

As part of the training experience content was created with case training scenarios around the different work dynamics such as journey-planning and customer engagement. The training content delivers specific focus in customer interaction through communication and listening skills.

Client Feedback – The trainers reported that while the traditional approach around role-playing was an effective means of training in the various scenarios one expects in the field, it can be somewhat artificial. The self-paced virtual reality experience we created for them was more immersive, experiential and interactive, thereby better preparing trainees for real scenarios. They report that trainees were better able to ‘hit the ground running’ when first out in the field.

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