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IMaR applies a systematic approach to improving a company’s workflows to achieve greater efficiency, effectiveness, and adaptability.

IMaR collaborates with companies to boost efficiency and profitability while minimising waste. Their programmes focus on lean manufacturing and digital technology solutions to streamline operations. This involves mapping clients’ existing processes, identifying best practices, and developing improved workflows.

By partnering closely with clients, IMaR ensures the effective implementation of these enhancements, resulting in smarter, more efficient operations. The process includes analysing workflows, identifying improvement areas, adopting lean principles, integrating digital technologies, and redesigning processes, leading to cost savings, increased productivity, improved quality, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Programme phases

  • Map current value streams and key processes.
  • Benchmark existing business processes to compare with best practice.
  • Improve processes by developing and driving an action plan with a regular check-in.
  • Business process optimiser
  • Identify goals
  • Conduct a value stream mapping exercise to identify improvement opportunities.
  • Develop a digitalisation roadmap.
  • Create a framework to drive company productivity KPIs.
  • Support implementation of a productivity improvement plan.
  • Skills development in continuous process improvement best practice.
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