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Cork City Fire Brigade had taken delivery of a new fire engine in early 2023 and were seeking novel, effective and efficient means of training their staff to use the truck. The standard means of educating fire-fighting staff was using slide deck presentations, 200-page user manuals and time-consuming physical walk-around demonstrations with the Third Officer.

This method was proving time consuming and difficult to schedule with frequent interruptions due to emergency call-outs. ACE used a combination of 360-degree video production, 2D videography and drone footage to develop an immersive training experience for independent learning accessible at any time by trainees using virtual reality headsets or a standard desktop.

The training was based on the in-person training delivered by the fire truck company Rosenbauer supplemented by excerpts from their training manual. We created an immersive training programme using virtual tour software, introducing location-specific embedded learning content accessed by the user by clicking on enumerated icons appearing on the 360-degree truck image.

Depending on the location and learning required, clicking on an icon opens the embedded learning content which takes the form of information panels, 2D videos, and diagrams. The trainee is able to navigate the content at their own pace, repeating as necessary and effectively ‘walking around’ the virtual fire truck without the need for 1-1 trainer support. This training programme has been completed and rolled out in the fire station with great success.  

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