The IMaR Research Centre works with a large number of companies every year in collaborative R&D projects. Through the open day IMaR wants to showcase our expertise and the funding supports that are available to local companies. Meet the IMaR Research Team and learn about the latest developments in the areas of:
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Robotics, automation and improving operational efficiencies
- Sensor and wireless communications for greater operational intelligence and enhanced maintenance
- Leveraging open source software to accelerate development cycles
- Electronic asset tracking / RFID
View and check out the demos of our state of the art equipment and the Technology Themes, case studies, and learn about the latest research funding opportunities, and how we can support your ideas.
The open day is free to attend and open to all businesses, it will take place on Wednesday the 2nd of March from 9:30am to 3pm in the Kerry Sports Academy.
This event is part of the MTU Industry Day coinciding with events run by the AgriTech Ireland and Circular BioEconomy Clusters, ACE and Shannon ABC and is part of Kerry Month of Enterprise.
Please see schedule for combined industry day below.