Industrial Process Monitoring Suite

Industrial Process Monitoring Suite

In recent years the development of systems such as predictive maintenance for process equipment has been somewhat hindered by the cost of sensing units and perceived complexity of digital systems to exploit the data. IMaR has acquired an extensive sensing suite so as to support clients evaluate the optimum sensor deployment and data management systems for a range of use cases including not only predictive maintenance, but also the development and prototyping of operational dashboards and process digital twins. The range of sensors available is available in the download here and the suite provides for measurement and logging of physical quantities including: humidity, pressure, temperature, light, acoustics, voltage, current, vibration / acceleration. Additionally, the suite includes magnetometers, GPS and gyroscopes. Most popular communications prototcols can be implemented and the suite is complemented by a industrial wireless suite.

Use Cases

Predictive and preventative maintenance:
  • Extend the life of process equipment
  • Maintain constant awareness of the health of equipment
  • Early intervention avoiding damage to equipment
  • Increased machine operational time / OEE
  • Adherence to production schedules
Manufacturing operational dashboard:
  • Real-time availability / monitoring of operational metrics
  • Preempt and identify potential issues with quality, OEE, demand, or supply chain
  • Enable data-driven decisions and quality improvements
Manufacturing process / plant data digital twin development:
  • Process optimization and insights
  • Real-time monitoring and predictive
  • Troubleshooting process performance
  • Enhanced traceability
